Sunday, March 31, 2013

The pitter-patter of little feet

That's our cat, Purrrl, a few weeks ago, when she was great with uh... kitten. She was so large, all she wanted to do was lay around. Instead of running around the front of the house when we get home, or when we put the food dish out, she would just walk, or not show up at all. We did something rare. We brought her inside for a few minutes, and left her down on the floor. She just laid down with a big bulge protruding from her abdomen. She almost looked sick.

Then the strangest thing happened... she popped! We didn't see it or hear it though, because she disappeared.
So now we're going to have free kittens soon for anyone who wants them. At the time of this post, they are about 1.5 weeks old.

Yesterday we had the pitter patter of some other little feet at our house too. I caught this little guy after dark prowling around between our place and the neighbors.

On Easter Weekend, of course.... :-) But this little munchkin didn't bring us any eggs or chocolate. Just a reminder of spring and new life, and the real reason for the Easter holiday. We ran to the mall the other evening to get a couple of things quick, and there was a long line of people there with their kids waiting in line to have their picture taken with a big dorky looking "bunny." Didn't look anything like the one I caught in our back yard, and it sure didn't have anything to do with the real reason for Easter. Why do people waste their time fooling their kids with that stuff? Maybe we should go to the mall and set up a stand with a big display that tells all about the real reason for Easter and see how much of the crowd comes out to see that.

I'm not sure yet who all will read this blog post, or if I'm preaching to the choir here, but Easter is not about a bunny, nor is Christmas about santa claus. Those are lies. They have come out of traditions that have historically origins that have long since been forgotten by the majority of folks living today. Do you know the story of Saint Nicholas, and how his name got twisted into santa claus? How did a bunny bringing a basket of eggs ever become the main focus of Easter for the world around us? There may be some story behind it, if you really take the time to research it, but the net result of what you see around you today is nothing like what those traditions originated from. People look for something to put in place to avoid the real reason for the holidays. For most people Easter has little meaning beyond candy and bunnies and decorations, and it is sad. They see Christmas as the biggest holiday of the year, but forget to celebrate that it is the birthday of Jesus of Nazareth. Worse yet, they forget why His birthday is so important - because He had the most important reason for living. The Easter holiday should be more of a celebration than Christmas, in my opinion, because of what He did. Not only was the price of sin paid for my Jesus dying innocently, but on Sunday morning, Jesus came back to life after suffering a severe beating and non-survivable injuries and being dead and buried for 3 days. This is nothing short of a miracle. His power to do so was validated prior to doing this by all of His miracles during His 3 year ministry, including raising another man, Lazarus, from the dead not long prior to His own resurrection.

Read all about it in the New Testament of the Bible. The story is told by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. For a better understanding of why all of this had to happen though, it is best to read the entire Bible, starting with Genesis 1:1. I have made up my mind that if you can believe Genesis 1:1, then the entire Bible will make much more sense. If you can get through the first several chapters of Genesis and understand them and believe them, your worldview will be unique, and you will understand why Jesus of Nazareth was so important.



  1. Thanks for sending me the link to your new blog. You make some excellent points regarding Easter. ~Merle

  2. Welcome back to the blogger scene!
