Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Tearin' it up!

Not a bunch of hippies in trucks in some back dirt lane or out in the mud bogs... no.... just a plow and a tractor with a German Baptist kid, and later a tiller for more peaceful causes, "tearin' it up" in our back yard.

We had Weldon, my second cousin's son, come over with his small tractor with a two-bottom mold board plow and dug up our garden. Last year we couldn't get anything to take root deep enough because we couldn't till the dirt deep enough. I borrowed a trailer to pull behind our truck and loaded Weldon's tractor and plow on it, and brought him over here to get the job done. His little tractor did the job great!

The plow dug down pretty deep, and it was good to find out that the topsoil is actually pretty deep. The walk-behind tiller didn't even dig down half of the depth that the plow did, but it smoothed things over nicely to start a garden for the year.
Also, the lawn was mowed today for the second time this year, and it is really starting to turn bright green.

We are hoping that this year it stays green, and doesn't turn brown and let the weeds grow - especially not the crabgrass. I think the bright green stuff that we are seeing now is the stuff that was overseeded late last fall. It is still a little patchy in some spots though. Hopefully that will fill in with some of the seed that we planted just last week.

The garden has some carrots, spinach, red and green leaf lettuce, red onions, and hull peas planted as of today. More to come later....

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