Saturday, June 1, 2013

Supper on the Grill... PIZZA!

This has been on my recipe 'to-do' list for a long time, but I have never been quite brave enough to try it.  In one of my books from the library, it talked about making pizza right on the grill grate and how wonderful it tasted.  Well, they had my attention because we love pizza and I'm always looking for ways to make it better. 
This was one of those recipes that I read and reread the recipe trying to figure out how it was going to work. I got to the point of just wanting to try it out.  So, it was a beautiful day - too warm to use the oven for pizza, so I dug out this recipe.  As I was planning how to do this, I could just see the dough drooping down between the grates, burning, and all of my yummy toppings falling off.  I pushed that awful thought aside and decided to try anyways.  Here is the tray of ingredients...

As per the recipe, you need to prepare all of your ingredients to have them ready to put on the dough as it takes only about 5-7 minutes total for each pizza.
The first step is to heat one side of your grill to high and the other side of your grill on low.  Then you slide your floured dough on the hot side of the grill, letting it sit for only 30 seconds and then rotating it 90 degrees for another 30 seconds.  This creates a crust that makes it easy to flip the whole thing over with the doughy side down (brushed with olive oil before flipping) onto the low side of the grill.
After flipping and working quickly, you begin topping the crust; cheese....
Sauce (I wanted to add Parmesan here as well)....
Then you add what ever other toppings you like on your pizza... onions, mushrooms, pepperoni, ham and chicken.... and a little more cheese.
After your pizza is assembled, close the lid for about 3-4 minutes and allow the crust to finish baking and your cheese and other ingredients to blend together.
This is going to be a skill that I will keep working on since the first one turned out pretty well.  Gerald's verdict, "It's fit to eat!" :-)
Give me a holler if you would like the specifics of the recipe.  It was kind of a fun experiment, mostly because it turn out so delicious!  Or, I guess if you don't want to brave it yourself, find your way up to our place and I will make you some grilled pizza!
~ Kelly 

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